Ile de St Louis

Ile de St Louis

Ile de St Louis

Less famous than the

“sister” Ile de la Cité, the Ile St Louis is one of the two islands in the Seine River in Paris. Until the 17th century, the Ile St Louis was a swamp but Christophe Marie, filled with elegant mansions along its narrow streets. The small island is shaped like a boat and had very famous locals such as Voltaire, Cezanne, Chagall, Marie Curie, Hemingway and Pompidou. Don’t miss the views over the River Seine, the cafés, the art galleries and unique shops. The Notre Dame Cathedral is behind the Ile de St Louis. It is one of the most beautiful places of Paris. Hotels in Paris

Metro Station: Pont Marie.

Map of Ile de St Louis

Map of Ile de St Louis

Map of Ile de St Louis

Where is Ile de St Louis on Map of Paris

location Ile de St Louis on Paris Map

Where is Ile de St Louis on map of Paris