Death Valley

Death Valley

Death Valley USA

It is the lowest place in America,

86 m (282 ft) below sea level and one of the warmest places on Earth, with temperatures of 54 º C (130 º F) during the day, which can drop to 0 º C (32 º F) at night . Located in the states of California and Nevada, Death Valley National Park has a unique environment with wonderful landscapes, dunes, salt, multicolored stones, canyons, deserts and seemingly endless snow capped mountains. There are several routes to explore Death Valley, California Route 190 (CA-190) is one of the most sought after. Visit the Furnace Creek Visitor Center, Badwater Basin, Stovepipe Wells Park and Valley Junction.  Hotels in Las Vegas

How to get Death Valley: Las Vegas is a great starting point for exploring Death Valley.

Map of Death Valley

Map of Death Valley USA

Map of Death Valley

Where is Death Valley on Map of California

where is Death Valley on Map of California

Death Valley on Map of California

Where is Death Valley in USA Map

Where is Death Valley on US Map

Death Valley on US Map