
Buffalo USA, Buffalo NY

Buffalo (NY)

Buffalo is the second most populous city

of state of New York after New York City. Bufflo is located on the shores of Lake Erie and at the head of Niagara Falls. Hotels in Buffalo

What to visit in Buffalo: Peace Bridge; Niagara Square; Buffalo City Hall; Erie County Hall; Albright-Knox Art Gallery; Lafayette Square; Soldiers and Sailors Monument;

Transports in Buffalo

Buffalo Niagra Airport (BUF)

By train and bus: There are trains and buses to/from several destinations.

Map of Buffalo

Buffalo map

Map of Buffalo

Buffalo downtown map

Map of Buffalo Downtown

Where is Buffalo on map of New York State

location of Buffalo on map of New York

Where is Buffalo on map of New York

Where is Buffalo on map of USA

location of Buffalo on map of USA

Where is Buffalo on map of USA

Weather in Buffalo

Weather Buffalo city

Where to sleep in Buffalo

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