St Mark’s Square

St Mark's Square Venice

St Mark’s Square

The St. Mark’s Square was for many years

the political and religious centre of Venice. The stunning Basilica and the Doge’s Palace dominate the eastern part of the square. The west end was remodeled by Napoleon wished that there have built a palace. It is this area which is situated the Museo Correr. Currently the piazza, remains busy and the center of almost everything that goes on in the city, children feed the pigeons, chic cafes with live orchestras playing give a unique atmosphere to Venice. During Carnival the square has more charm than ever with crowds dressed with the works of art that are Venetian masks. Besides the aforementioned St. Mark’s Basilica  and the Doge’s Palace, the square has other attractions like the Clock Tower (Torre dell’Orologio), the Campanile, the Piazzetta, Columns of San Marco and San Teodoro, the Piazzetta dei Leoncini, the Royal Gardens or the Café Florian said to have been the first European café. A set of elegant buildings of the fifteenth century adorn the square and served as the residence magistrates, responsible for public administration in Venice. Hotels in Venice

Where is St Mark’s Square (Piazza San Marco) on Map of Venice

location St Mark's Square on Map of Venice

Where is St Mark’s Square on Map of Venice