Palazzo Ca’Rezzonico

Palazzo Ca Rezzonico

Palazzo Ca Rezzonico

The Tiepolo frescoes adorn the ceiling

of the palace Ca ‘Rezzonico as the sumptuous chandeliers of Murano glass decorated superiorly. It was in the mid-seventeenth century that Baldassare Longhena, one of the most prestigious architects of the time in Venice, designed this stunning Baroque palace for the family Bon. Financial problems and the death of the heir left the palace with only the main floor. A century later, the palace became the property of the Rezzonico family, who in the year 1750, decided to order the completion of this magnificent building to the architect Giorgio Massari. Currently the palace Ca ‘Rezzonico houses the Museum of the Art of eighteenth century, visiting it have the chance to see the dazzling salons and also enjoy the sumptuous décor operated by Rezzonico family. The palace occupies a prominent place on the banks of the Grand Canal. Hotels in Venice

Where is Palazzo Ca’Rezzonico on Map of Venice

location Palazzo Ca Rezzonico on Venice Map

Where is Palazzo Ca Rezzonico on map of Venice