Palazzo Vecchio (Florence)

Palazzo Vecchio Florence

Palazzo Vecchio

It is considered one of the most important

monuments of Florence. Situated in the beautiful Piazza della Signoria, this palace has a medieval courtyard worth seeing. The meeting room of the general assembly is the most imposing of the Palazzo Vecchio, called Sala dei Cinquecento. The Sala degli elementi, Sala Sala dei Gigli dell’Udienza and are equally beautiful. It is one of the most visited places of Florence. Hotels in Florence

Opening Hours: 9AM-7PM (Weekdays); 9AM-2PM (Weekdays public holidays)

Tickets: 6€ (free with Firenze Card)

Where is Palazzo Vecchio on Map of Florence

location Palazzo Vecchio on Map of Florence

Where is Palazzo Vecchio on Map of Florence