Chartres Cathedral

Chartres Cathedral France

Chartres Cathedral

The magnificent city of

Chartres is less than 100 km (62 mi) of Paris and is famous throughout the Christian world for many centuries because of its cathedral. The glorious Chartres Cathedral (Cathedrale Notre-Dame de Chartres) was built in 1145 and only completed in 1260 and is still considered one of the most beautiful in the world. It is 130 m long, 46 m wide with a height of 37 m. It is the splendor of the Gothic in France, the west front is called the Royal Portal and it is very important because of the many sculptures of the mid-12th century. The whole cathedral is spectacular from the size, the sculptures and statues but more important is the stained glass. During the wars of the thousands of panels 172 windows were removed and saved for will not be damaged. The stained glass windows and biblical stories to be interpreted from bottom to top (earth to heaven) and from left to right. In color, the Blue Chartres is the most prominent. Hotels in Chartres

Map of Chartres with the Cathedral

Map of Chartres

Where is the Cathedral on map of Chartres