
Augsburg Germany


Augsburg is a German city located in

Bavaria. Augsburg was a Free Imperial City for over 500 years. It is famous for its university and is the third largest city of Bavaria after Munich and Nuremberg. Hotels in Augsburg

What to visit in Augsburg: City Hall (Rathaus); Market Place; Funfgratturm Tower; Augsburg Synagogue; Mozarthaus; St Ulrich and St Afra Cathedral; Fuggerei Historic Complex; Botanical Garden; Goldenaar Saal; St Anne’s Church;

Transports in Augsburg

Munich and Memmingen airports are not far from Augsburg. There are trains and buses to/from several destinations.

Map of Augsburg

Map of Augsburg Germany

Map of Augsburg

Where is Augsburg on map of Germany

location Augsburg on map Germany

Where is Augsburg located on map of Germany