Barrow Island

Barrow Island

Barrow Island

Barrow Island is located 56 km (36 mi)

off the north coast of Western Australia. With only 25 km (15.5 mi) in length, the Barrow Island is rich in wildlife and in liquid gold (oil). There are over 400 oil wells, environmental rules have been respected because in more than 40 years of production, no species of the island were affected. There are many animals on the island that have been extincted already on the mainland. At the beginning of the visit, Barrow Island may not seem like an easy place to be, but it is a last refuge for Australia’s weirdest and most wonderful wildlife.

Map of Barrow Island

Map of Barrow Island

Map of Barrow Island Australia

Where is Barrow Island on Australia Map

location Barrow Island on Western Australia Map

Where is Barrow Island on Western Australia Map